Stop ransomware threats in 3 steps. HPE Cohesity ตอบโจทย์การทำ Prevention, Detection และ Respond.
        1. Prevention: Protect the File System by using an Immutable file system which helps to prevent Ransomware from encrypting File Sharing or backup data.
                - Immutable File System disallows Access to the data
                - Data Lock (WORM Format) disallows data modification.
                - Two-Factor Authentication 2 rounds of verification.
                - Data Encryption
        2. Detection: Investigate using advanced AI Machine Learning technology to help detect data anomalies.
                - Daily change rate.
                - Unusual usage patterns or suspicious behavior is a virus.
        3. Respond: Respond and provide advice, and quick recovery.
                - Allows the system to work continuously all the time (High Available)
                - Robust and non-silo system that can support infinite expansion (Unlimited Files System),ensuring that we will not have any backup limitations in any case.
                - Faster recovery than conventional backup technology
                - Provides a way to search for files to recover even with VM-level backups.
Stop ransomware threats in 3 steps. HPE Cohesity ตอบโจทย์การทำ Prevention, Detection และ Respond.
        1. Prevention: Protect the File System by using an Immutable file system which helps to prevent Ransomware from encrypting File Sharing or backup data.
                - Immutable File System disallows Access to the data
                - Data Lock (WORM Format) disallows data modification.
                - Two-Factor Authentication 2 rounds of verification.
                - Data Encryption
        2. Detection: Investigate using advanced AI Machine Learning technology to help detect data anomalies.
                - Daily change rate.
                - Unusual usage patterns or suspicious behavior is a virus.
        3. Respond: Respond and provide advice, and quick recovery.
                - Allows the system to work continuously all the time (High Available)
                - Robust and non-silo system that can support infinite expansion (Unlimited Files System), ensuring that we will not have any backup limitations in any case.
                - Faster recovery than conventional backup technology
                - Provides a way to search for files to recover even with VM-level backups.