Cookie Policy
Using this website with your browser's cookies settings enabled requires the acceptance of our use of cookies according to this policy. To avoid cookies, it is possible to disable them in the web browser or choose the reject button in the setting of the cookie.
Cookies are part of web technology and are not harmful, but it is important that you understand the implications of your privacy.
This policy is part of our privacy policy. The explanation is the following:
• What is a cookie?
• What is this website uses cookies for?
• How do I set up the cookie consent on this website?
• How do I block or delete the cookies?
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small temporary files stored in your browsing device (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. Cookies enable the website to store certain information on your device, for example, to store user preferences or to recognize you if you visit the website later.
When a cookie is created in your device, the following information is stored:
• The address (domain) of the website that created the cookie.
• The duration of the cookie (may last just some minutes or for years).
• The content of the cookie.
You can configure your web browser at any time to block the use of cookies by certain websites. You may delete previously stored cookies as well.
What is this website uses cookies for?
This website uses analytic cookies (Google Analytics). These cookies help us and third parties to record where visitors originated and how users interact with the website, in order to create analytics that help us to enhance the website structure and contents. Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and report site usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. ‘_ga’, the main cookie used by Google Analytics, enables a service to distinguish one visitor from another and lasts for 2 years. Any site that implements Google Analytics, including Google services, uses the ‘_ga’ cookie. Each ‘_ga’ cookie is unique to the specific property, so it cannot be used to track a given user or browser across unrelated websites.
How do I set up the cookie consent on this website?
Your consent status is: Ignored
If you need to change your consent, you can click on the setting button below.
How do I block or delete the cookies?
The majority of web browsers allow you to disable completely the use of Cookies. They also allow you to delete cookies created by specific domains/websites. To find out how to do it, please refer to your browser's help page.
The information is also covered in web browser's online support pages: